This week we return to Candelo with our regular guest Graham Farram. Graham has found a collection of pieces about Candelo and Kameruka.

We’ll also catch up with Mia Maze from the Bega Valley Innovation Hub. Mia tells us about a series of workshops they are running to assist local business in switching things up in the aftermath of the recent fires and then Covid – 19. The workshop series, appropriately titled Phoenix Resolve, runs over the next few weeks in an online environment. If you’re looking for new ways to engage customers with social media, marketing and a range of software and hardware options then these free workshops might be what you need to get back on your feet in the aftermath of recent disasters. 



 The Bega Valley Innovation Hub was developed as a collaboration between Bega Valley Shire Council, The University of Wollongong, The Bega Chamber of Commerce  and Bega Cheese and Mia Maze is hopeful that on-site programs can start up again before the end of this financial year.