This week on The Local Update. With the COVID restrictions easing slightly in NSW and The Bega Pioneers Museum open to the public once again, Graham Farram is in full swing. It’s nice to see an audience present in the foyer of the museum to hear him read his weekly reflections. If you’d like to be present for these recordings they happen at 11 am Monday mornings in the museum on the corner of Bega and Auckland Sts in Bega.

This week is also National Homelessness Week here in Australia; with that in mind we’re catching up with Christine Welsh from Sapphire Coast Community Projects to talk about the Community Pantry they’ve had open in Bega for a few years now. The pantry works to offer food and services to those in the community who are generally less fortunate. Maybe you’re struggling financially, are homeless, have a disability or are struggling with life a little, the pantry offers food, training services and an endless list of support where and when they can.



The Sapphire Coast Community Pantry is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 11 am and 2 pm. You’ll find details on how to make financial donations on their Facebook page. Remember, the pantry is not just for those in need. If you want a coffee or to just go there and do your shopping then your financial support helps the organisation.

This episode was broadcast on Edge FM on September 20 and included

Down in Flames – Epicure

Accidentally Kelly St – Frente, and

One Day Like This  – Elbow