It’s become common knowledge now that the ‘rivers of gold’ as they were called have dried up and print media is trying to work out how to adapt to change and stay afloat. Staff sizes have dropped dramatically and those who have kept their jobs have had to become multi faceted in their roles or face losing their jobs.


With parents doing battle with their kids over the amount of ‘screen time’ they are provided and the age at which children are given access to a smartphone or tablet appearing to get younger by the day, it might surprise you to learn that printed newspapers aimed at kids are a booming industry.


If there was any doubt in our minds as to whether a newspaper aimed at kids would work the evidence of its success comes in the form of the 200 thousand d0llars they were able to raise in a recent crowdfunding campaign.


Saffron Howden is one of the founders and the editor of Crinkling News, she says Australia was slow off the mark on kids newspapers with many other parts of the world having the industry well established.