A collection of community groups from the Manning are working together to develop a performance space on the banks of the river in Taree.


For more than 40 years people have been arguing that there needs to be something central to town that allows for public events.  The beauty of the river frontage through town provides a perfect site for live music, theater, even outdoor cinema events.


One of the best things about this riverbank stage idea is that the space we are hoping to build will be a mirror image meaning it works in both directions. The stage will be usable as podium or commentary box for events on the river as well as a performance space in Queen Elizabeth Park.


Phil Grisold, from The Lions Club, and I caught up with Paul Kiggins from 2BOB yesterday.



Full Disclosure, I am currently paid by 2BOB Radio as their Program Manager.


If you’d like to support our campaign to build a live performance stage on the Manning River then you can do that here