Today marks world Mental Health Awareness Day. The day comes at the start of a whole week of important events around the world.
In Australia, tomorrow marks national Headspace day. If you don’t know who these guys are then take a look. Headspace do a huge amount of great work with young people around the country who are tackling mental health issues themselves or supporting friends and families who are.
I first stumbled upon Headspace through their active involvement with Triple J. Jonno from Headspace use to make regular visits to my lounge room, via my radio, throughout my youth.
As a young person growing up in regional Australia lots of what Jonno had to say rang true to my life. It’s nice to be reminded sometimes that the issues around isolation and boredom, lack of facilities and things to do aren’t just your problem to tackle alone.
Where ever you are around the world, if you want to support the amazing work that these guys do it’s pretty easy. Anyone who is interested can download a wristband from the Headspace website and show your community that you stand with the youth of your community and support the great work that these guys do for the future of your community.
Here in Fiji World Mental Health Day happens to fall on the same day as Fiji Day. Rather than have the two events compete, The Fiji’s Ministry Of Health decided to hold their Mental Health Day events on Friday. In Lautoka the community gathered in Shirley Park, I was there on behalf of Mix FM.
The take home message for me was that mental health is everyones responsibility. I must say I was impressed to see recognition of that fact from the community in Fiji. We are only just really getting our heads around that idea in Australia, it’s good to see that Fiji is on the same page.