Sue Oldfield is a goat farmer based in Rock Bank, about half an hour west of Melbourne. Currently Mrs Oldfield has 120 mohair goats on her property and at this point that number continues to increase as the females are having kids.
Mrs Oldfield started faming mohair goats because she loves to knit but these days she gets so much wool she sells a lot of it. Times haven’t been easy in the last few years however due to drought.
“Two years ago I sold fifty percent of my heard and last year I sold forty percent of the heard after they had had kids” she said.
The goats are shawn twice a year and the wool sold off to be spun. Finding a sheerer that is game enough to tackle a rough and tumble goat however is a bit of chaw Mrs Old field says.
Sue Oldfield is no stranger to the farming life having grown up on a mixed dairy farm in England she then moved to Australia and worked with pigs for 20 years. Mrs Oldfield believes the move to goats many years ago was a wise move, as wells as being a great source of good quality knitting wool she says they are very smart and easy to work with.
In this report: Sue Oldfield, Mohair Goat farmer, Rockbank, Victoria